5 Do’s and don’ts of camping with dogs

Camping with dogs can be a truly rewarding experience. It allows you to bond with your furry friend while exploring the great outdoors. However, camping with a dog comes with its own set of challenges. Being prepared and following certain guidelines will help ensure the trip is safe and enjoyable for both you and your dog. Here are five do’s and don’ts for a successful camping adventure with your canine companion.

Do’s of Camping with Dogs

1. Do Your Research

Before heading out, research dog-friendly campsites. Not all campgrounds welcome pets, and some may have specific rules regarding leash laws, quiet hours, or dog-friendly trails. Call ahead or check the campground’s website to ensure your dog is allowed and understand any pet-related restrictions.

2. Do Bring Essentials for Your Dog

Pack everything your dog will need for the trip, including food, water, bowls, a leash, poop bags, and any necessary medications. A comfortable bed or blanket can make your dog feel more at home in the tent. Don’t forget to bring their favorite toys to keep them entertained at the campsite.

3. Do Practice Commands

Basic obedience commands such as “sit,” “stay,” and “come” are essential when camping. If your dog hasn’t mastered these, it’s a good idea to brush up on their training before the trip. These commands help keep your dog safe, especially in unfamiliar and potentially hazardous environments.

4. Do Keep Your Dog on a Leash

Even if your dog is well-behaved, it’s important to keep them leashed in unfamiliar areas. Wildlife, other campers, and distractions can make even the most trained dogs act unpredictably. Many campgrounds have leash laws, and keeping your dog restrained helps protect them from potential dangers.

5. Do Clean Up After Your Dog

Just as you would at home, it’s important to clean up after your dog while camping. Bring plenty of biodegradable poop bags to dispose of their waste properly. Leaving dog waste behind not only impacts the environment but can also attract unwanted wildlife to your campsite.

Don’ts of Camping with Dogs

1. Don’t Let Your Dog Roam Unsupervised

Allowing your dog to roam freely at the campsite can lead to dangerous situations. They might encounter wild animals, poisonous plants, or wander too far. Always supervise your dog, even in designated off-leash areas, to ensure their safety.

2. Don’t Forget to Check the Weather

Before you set out on your camping trip, check the weather forecast. Extreme heat or cold can be dangerous for dogs. If it’s going to be too hot, consider a shady campsite and make sure your dog has access to plenty of water. In colder temperatures, pack extra blankets and ensure your dog stays warm at night.

3. Don’t Leave Your Dog in the Tent Alone

Tents can heat up quickly, becoming like ovens in the sun. Never leave your dog alone in the tent, especially in hot weather, as they can easily overheat. If you need to step away from the campsite, bring your dog with you to ensure they remain safe and comfortable.

4. Don’t Feed Your Dog from the Campfire

While it might be tempting to share your campfire meal with your dog, avoid doing so. Many campfire foods, like hot dogs or marshmallows, can be harmful to dogs. Stick to their regular diet to avoid any digestive issues while camping.

5. Don’t Forget Tick and Flea Prevention

The great outdoors is full of insects, and your dog is likely to encounter ticks and fleas during your camping trip. Make sure your dog is up-to-date on their flea and tick prevention treatment. After hikes or playtime in grassy areas, check your dog for any ticks and remove them promptly.


Camping with your dog can be a fun and fulfilling experience if you follow these do’s and don’ts. With proper planning and attention to your dog’s needs, both of you can enjoy the beauty of nature while staying safe and comfortable. Happy camping!

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